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Dracula's Revenge

by : Green Ronin Publishing

Dracula's Revenge

£19.99 £18.99  In Stock with FREE UK delivery
despatched same / next working day by Royal Mail
or courier estimated delivery*: 1-3 days UK

(*excluding Sunday & public holidays, Christmas post may extend delivery times)

players 2, ages 12+, 1 - 2 hour(s)
[barcode 9781932442304, BGC stock id 1082]

Description of Dracula's Revenge

Dracula's Revenge is the board game of the desperate war between hunters and vampires in Victorian England. Returning to England 11 years after his apparent death, Count Dracula thirsts for revenge and he's created an army of undead to help him get it. Prepared this time for the vampire threat, Van Helsing and his stalwart friends stand ready to put Dracula back into his grave for the ultimate time.

Game play is fast and deadly. Players move characters around a board depicting catacombs snaking beneath London's burning streets, battling against each other for their lives. On his side, Dracula has vampires of all stripes - she-wolves, nosferatu, and seductive vampiress - as well as the mindless minions they've enslaved. Against them, Van Helsing leads a force of heroes armed with stakes, crossbows and a fearsome faith in God.
In the battle of good and evil - it's time to choose sides.

Contents of Dracula's Revenge

9 dice, 20 board tiles (14 corridors and 6 rooms), 21 mist counters, 12 doors with stand, 26 plastic character cards with stand, 36 plastic action cards, 2 reference cards, 2 dice screens, 1 x 32-page rulebook.

copyright Maddison Games Ltd. 2003-2023